Sunday, August 4, 2013

August Break 2013 - Week 1

Thanks to Louise Gale I heard about Susannah Conway's August Break 2013.

I'll be joining more than 600 others who are going to take one photo each day in the month of August. Susannah gives a list of prompts that can, but don't have to be be followed. You can add words or not, post daily or not - no rules, just fun. Quoting Susannah "This is all about being present and enjoying taking photos just for the hell of it.'

My plan is to post once a week - we'll see how it goes.
Here's week one: 

Day 1 - Breakfast

Day 2 - Circles

Day 3 - Yellow

Day 4 - Love

August Break 2012


  1. Nice the yellow shot! I might try to join you. ;)

    1. I think you should Adriann - you can join in at any time and just do what you have time for - no rules :)

    2. I just joined. Now actually taking my camera out and using it. Thanks for the inspiration!

    3. Fantastic - I look forward to seeing your photos!
